ST13-13 RaijiLudomon

- Name
- RaijiLudomon
- Typ
- Digimon
- Level
- 5
- DP
- 7000
- Play Cost
- 7
- Farbe
- black
- ID
- ST13-13
- Set
- ST13
- Seltenheit
- R
- Form
- Ultimate
- Art
- Data
- Typen
- Armor/Legend-Arms
- Artist
- Effekt
- Opponent's Turn This Digimon can't be deleted by your opponent's effects.
- Vererbter Effekt
- End of Your Turn You may DNA digivolve this Digimon and one of your other Digimon in play into a Digimon card in your hand for its DNA digivolve cost.