Alt Art 1

- Name
- Groundramon
- Typ
- Digimon
- Level
- 5
- DP
- 7000
- Play Cost
- 7
- Farbe
- green
- ID
- EX3-041
- Set
- EX3
- Seltenheit
- U
- Form
- Ultimate
- Art
- Virus
- Typen
- Earth Dragon
- Alt-Arts
- 1
- Artist
- sasasi
- Effekt
Digivolve: 3 from [Coredramon]
Blocker (When an opponent's Digimon attacks, you may suspend this Digimon to force the opponent to attack it instead.)
Your Turn [Examon] in your hand can treat this Digimon as level 6 for DNA digivolution.
End of Your Turn This Digimon and 1 of your other Digimon with [Dramon] in its name may DNA digivolve into a Digimon card in your hand for the cost.