BT15-057 Numemon (X Antibody)

Ab dem 31. August 2024 ist diese Karte restricted auf eine Kopie pro Deck.
- Name
- Numemon (X Antibody)
- Typ
- Digimon
- Level
- 4
- DP
- 2000
- Play Cost
- 3
- Farbe
- black
- ID
- BT15-057
- Set
- BT15
- Seltenheit
- R
- Form
- Champion
- Art
- Virus
- Typen
- Mollusk/X Antibody
- Artist
- Effekt
Digivolve Lv.4 w/[Numemon] in name w/o [X Antibody] trait: Cost 0
All Turns While [Numemon] or [X Antibody] is in this Digimon's digivolution cards, it gains "On Deletion You may play 1 Digimon card with [Numemon] in its name from your trash without paying the cost." - Vererbter Effekt
- On Deletion You may play 1 Digimon card with [Numemon] in its name from your trash without paying the cost.