Royal Knights of the Purge
Alt Art 1

- Name
- Royal Knights of the Purge
- Typ
- Option
- Play Cost
- 6
- Farbe
- white
- ID
- BT13-110
- Set
- BT13
- Seltenheit
- R
- Typen
- Royal Knight
- Alt-Arts
- 1
- Effekt
Main Draw 1. You may place 1 Digimon card from your hand as the bottom digivolution card of 1 of your [King Drasil_7D6] in the breeding area. Then, place this card in the battle area.
Main Delay
・ Play 1 [Royal Knight] trait card from the digivolution cards of your Digimon in the breeding area without paying the cost. On Play effects on Digimon played by this effect don't activate, and they gain Rush for the turn. - Security Effekt
- Security Place this card in the battle area.