UlforceVeedramon (X Antibody)
Alt Art 1

- Name
- UlforceVeedramon (X Antibody)
- Typ
- Digimon
- Level
- 6
- DP
- 12000
- Play Cost
- 12
- Farbe
- blue
- ID
- BT12-029
- Set
- BT12
- Seltenheit
- SR
- Form
- Mega
- Art
- Vaccine
- Typen
- Holy Warrior/Royal Knight/X Antibody
- Alt-Arts
- 1
- Artist
- As'Maria
- Effekt
Digivolve: 1 from [UlforceVeedramon]
When Digivolving Unsuspend this Digimon or 1 of your blue Tamers.
All TurnsOnce Per Turn When this Digimon becomes unsuspended, if you have a blue Tamer in play or this Digimon has [UlforceVeedramon] in its digivolution cards, return 1 of your opponent’s Digimon with the lowest level to its owner’s hand.